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Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Health & Healing

Program Course Descriptions

DSHHN – 101 The Science and Behavior of Disease

This course will teach you why disease is "right" action and why suppressing or treating symptoms are "wrong" action. You must learn how to "Remove The Cause" of disease so there will be no need to palliate symptoms. If you do not "Remove The Cause of Disease", the symptoms will continue to persist and eventually the cause of disease could lead to larger consequences and permanent painful conditions including death. So, you will learn the knowledge and wisdom of allowing  the body to heal itself naturally, as nature intended without human misguided interference. (4.5 credits)

DSHHN – 102 Maximum Natural Healing & Energy Concepts

This course will teach you the marvelous designs of the body's energy and ability of its self healing power that our creator has endowed the human body so it can attain maximum health. (4.5 credits)

DSHHN – 103 Spiritual & Physical Fasting: The Restoration & Preservation of Spiritual & Physical Health

Spiritual and Physical Fasting can save your life by ridding the mind and body of toxins whether they are spiritually or physically related. Spiritual and Physical Fasting can begin the true art of healing and restoration of the mind and body back to optimum health, power, strength and endurance. Fasting, overall, can help to accelerate the healing process of the body whether it is mind, bone, muscle, joint or blood. The body‘s creative design is more intelligent than any human intervention in relation to the physiological and biological repairs and healing of the body. Fasting allows the body to perform at its optimum physiological and biological functions more proficiently. (4.5 credits)

DSHHN – 104 Psycho Neuroimmunology & Its Effects on The Immune System

This course provides the modern day science which laid the ground work for "mind-body healing" techniques. There are many clinical trials and research in this course that prove the authenticity of these concepts. (4.5 credits)

DSHHN – 105 Advanced Natural Health & Healing Concepts I

This course presents, in depth, the Natural Health & Healing laws of nature within the human body, as never before presented, for the restoration and preservation of health by Pristine, unadulterated methodologies. (4.5 credits)

DSHHN – 106 Advanced Natural Health & Healing Concepts II

This course presents, in depth, the Natural Health & Healing laws of nature within the human body, as never before presented, for the restoration and preservation of health by Pristine, unadulterated methodologies. (4.5 credits)

DSHHN – 107 Christian Health & Christian Healing Practice: The Legal Requirements of an Ordained Minister

This course teaches the legal "ins & outs" and "dos & don'ts" of a "Christian Health & Christian Spiritual Healing Practice." The course also presents very advanced and highly effective counseling techniques that will enable the Christian Health & Christian Healing Minister/Practitioner to show clients and students how to restructure their thinking processes to overcome self-sabotage and to achieve amazing successes in their healthful living habits! (Part I: 8.5 credits) (Part II: 8.5 credits)

DSHHN – 108 Thesis or The Physiology of Sports Nutrition (Student's Choice)

Doctorate's Thesis (Choice #1)

The student can select a thesis composed of 2500 words, typed and double-spaced, on any spiritual aspect of Holistic Nutrition or Holistic Natural Health & Healing as applied in one's own life or the life of others. The student may draw upon any course material contained in this doctorate program. (4.5 credits)

The Physiology of Sports Nutrition (Choice #2)

This course is a 21st century study on the physiology of sports nutrition on the human body for maximum health, power, strength and endurance. (4.5 credits)

DSHHN – 109 The Mind of The Spirit

This course will help you to learn the contrast between the "flesh" and "spirit." The course will teach you that "minding the spirit" ("ones way of thinking" or "mind-set") will empower you with God's active force. This Bible course will teach you that if you "sow with a view to your flesh, you will reap corruption from your flesh, but if you sow with a view to the spirit, you will reap everlasting life. You must choose life in order that you may live. (3.0 credits)

Non-Secular Degree Programs | Non-Secular Program Tuition

The purpose of our Christian Health and Christian Healing Degree Programs among Bible Colleges as well as a Divinity School is to teach God's Divine purpose for the various Christian Healing Ministries and also to teach about the spiritual organization Ecclesiology. Ecclesiology is Spiritual, But Not Religious and also Unchurched which may be defined as all those who do not believe in a structured, ritualistic and dogmatic pious performance at the altar. Christology is the study of the person of Christ, His life, His ministry, His sacrifice, His commandments, and His sacrifice as our savior.

In short, without an understanding of the character of Christ, our Christian Ministries are doomed to fail. The Bible Diet course is just a good example of helping one to understand the importance of one's Holistic Health and Healing Christian Ministry in relation to physically and spiritually avoid defiling the flesh with bad eating habits that make a person ill. A Christian must remember that they have a Spiritual and Moral responsibilty to keep their "Body Temple" clean before the eyes of God.